Definitely a medium to full bodied grape, Semillon is a native to the Bordeaux region in France even though today the region that holds the title for having the most success with this grape is none other than the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales in Australia. While it can be often be said (and rightly so) that wines that are dominated by Semillon lack youthful aroma, they always tend to have a fairly full body and be low in acidity. It is for this reason that Semillon makes a wonderful “second” grape in blending of wines producing some wonderful flavours. Semillon even works well when blended with the well-known loner, Chardonnay, giving richness and weight without sacrificing the aromatic delicacy. That is not to say that a Semillon alone won’t make for good wine. Semillons on general are a variety that is best drunk after a few years.
Cremant de | Champagne & Sparkling Wine by Dulong | 750ml
$15.99 -
Graves White | White Wine by Clos Floridene | 750ml
$29.99 -
Caroline Blanc, 2022 Blend | White Wine by Chateau de Chantegrive | 750ml | Bordeaux
$24.99 -
Bordeaux Blanc, 2020 Blend | White Wine by Le Petit Cheval | 750ml
$159.97 -
White Reserve | White Wine by Kitchen Sink | 750ml | California
$14.99 -
Blanc, 2021 Blend | White Wine by Les Hauts de Larrivet Haut Brion | 750ml | Bordeaux Barrel Score 92+ Points
$36.99 -
Fossick Adelaide Sauvignon Blanc Semillon | White Wine by Fossick Wine Co. | 750ml | Hills
$13.99 -
Bordeaux Blanc | White Wine by Chateau Roques Mauriac | 750ml | Barrel Score 88+ Points
$14.99 -
Dolce | Dessert & Fortified Wine by Far Niente | 375ml | Napa Valley Barrel Score 92+ Points
$109.99 -
White | White Wine by Chateau Haut Guillebot | 750ml | Barrel Score 89+ Points
$14.99 -
Sauvignon Blanc | White Wine by Duckhorn | 750ml | North Coast Barrel Score 90 Points
$27.99 -
Sauternes, 2019 Blend | Dessert & Fortified Wine by Chateau D’Yquem | 375ml | Bordeaux
$224.97 -
Tronquoy Lalande Blanc, 2019 Blend | White Wine by Chateau Tronquoy Lalande | 750ml | Bordeaux
$69.97 -
Sauvignon Blanc | White Wine by Duckhorn | 375ml | Napa Valley Barrel Score 89+ Points
$17.99 -
Bordeaux Blanc, 2019 Blend | White Wine by Le Petit Cheval | 750ml
$149.97 -
Sauvignon Blanc Semillon | White Wine by Miles From Nowhere | 750ml | Western Australia Barrel Score 89+ Points
$14.99 -
Chateu Climens Asphodele | White Wine by Chateau Climens | 750ml
$62.99 -
Liaison Sauternes, 2019 Blend | Dessert & Fortified Wine by Dubourdieu | 750ml | Bordeaux
$26.99 -
Liaison Sauternes, 2019 Blend | Dessert & Fortified Wine by Dubourdieu | 375ml | Bordeaux
$14.99 -
2022 ita Wines Semillon, Les Collines Vyd, Walla Walla Vly, Washington